
How Can I Keep From Singing?

This is turning out to be a long and arduous week, requiring much more effort and payment of attention than I am wont.

Still, having to take lunch at my desk still allows for internetsy, and my evenings have been mostly free. Here are some things that I have enjoyed in the spare moments:

Babies hate the Bushes (at left). Probably because she smells like cigarettes. And graft.

Batman and Robin vs. Surrealism.

McSweeneys 19 came in the mail, and includes lots of reproductions of old stuff. I haven't read any of it yet, but McSweeneys now more than ever seems to be more art than literature. I don't mind.

Springsteen sings Seeger. Susanna and Sweet sing Cinnamon.

Masters of American Comics arrives at the Milwaukee Art Museum. I'm going tonight for a preview. In fact, I'm leaving for that right no--

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