
3 is a Magic Number

Happy Birthday to Sam and Caleb
who turn three on tuesday

Lounging on the top bunk at Jake's house.

Sam and Daddy in Saturday's snowfall.

Watching a nesting duck at the zoo.

Sam investigates a century-old archaic writing machine.

The "Before" picture at Annika's 3rd Birthday Party....

And the "After" picture,taken three cookies, two pieces of cake, and one helluva tantrum later.

A Poem for Sam on His Third Birthday

Each day with you is a blessing,
So it has never once been distressing
     When you tapped kegs or beer bottles
     Or held your life by its throttles
Or now and then played at cross-dressing.

Sam, you're weird and I love that about you.  All my favorite people are weird, and I include myself in that distinction.  Anyone who tells his first knock knock joke at two is a phenom in my book.  I'm proud of the person you're becoming.


A Poem for Caleb on His Third Birthday

Your fourth, final name gets it right,
So bold that your kisses can bite.
     With your demands so voluble
     And your diapers too soluble,
You and I were best mates at first sight.

Caleb, you have powers of concentration the rest of us would need medication to achieve.  I hope the world to come has need for a strong and acrobatic engineer.  You've got determination and pride, you dance like a maniac, and when you sit still you're a teacup.  I still feel the squeeze you gave me on the day we met.

Hap'day, boys.  I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're the best dad ever. I love you. K.