
Got a Time Bomb In My Mind, Mom

Things I would totally have posted pictures of if our camera weren't missing:
  1. Sam and Caleb rolling down the hill at Chill on the Hill.
  2. Sam and Caleb on the stage of the Little Theatre in Rufus King High School.
  3. Sam and Caleb holding hands in their car seats on the way to Grandma Glenda's house.
Things I would totally post video of if I we ever had the video camera on hand when something interesting happened:

  1. Caleb's evolution of dance. Sam dances by tilting his head side to side, like a metronome, letting his body follow. Caleb held off on dancing for awhile, but a couple of weeks ago he started just slightly moving his head and -- by watching his back muscles -- tensing his butt cheeks. He's just lately started to add raised legs and arm swings to his dancing, and -- by God! -- he's doing the George Jefferson!
  2. Sam chasing young girls on the playground in Lincoln Park, as the girls shouted "Get away from that baby!"

Alas, until Kodak makes a machine that prints color photos of memories, you'll have to imagine all of the above.


Emme said...

Too funny. Just finished Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams, and I am one of those tiresome people that cannot stop talking about it. I have bored both of my kids by going on about it and now I am inflicting it upon you and Kirsten. Oh, and you have to read "Goodnight, Bush" if you haven't already done so.

Trevor said...

sure do like the Old 97's