My week has been long but somewhat interesting. We're trying out potential new Deans at the school, and the interview process has involved a presentation before the full faculty and staff. Sort of like a pin-striped American Idol. The decision is now in the hand of the Provost's office, though maybe they'll set up a 1-800 number for voting.
I've also started to contribute in the effort to create a 20 year reunion for the Rufus King High School Class of 1988. I had a very long conference call on Friday night with old friends I haven't seen since graduation. (Check out the developing website, by the way, at
According to the check-in system at my office, I advised 100 students between Monday and Thursday this week. Welcome to the special brain-blanking that is Priority Registration. Advising is an incredibly not-hard job for 10 months of the year, and an endurance test in April and November. Not because what I do is brain-science or rocket-surgery, but because talking to 25 different people in 8 hours (not counting time away for Dean presentations and maybe a sandwich) is just plain exhausting, and doing so for five days a week for three or four weeks makes maintaining energy hard. One starts to recommend Managerial Accounting where one ought to have said Managerial Economics. One becomes unable to visually separate Linguistics 210 -- Diversity of Human Language (cough - gut course - cough) with Business 210 -- Business Statistics. Worst of all, one gets cranky in the mornings at home, and lumberingly stupid in the evenings, which tests the p
atience, empathy, and reserves of one's spouse. (By the way: LOVE.)
Now, because my head is otherwise empty, fun pictures:

Sam, who says "Cheeeeeeeeeze," shows signs of ham as well.

The withering worried look of Sam, who is sometimes unsure of how he feels about his Caleb's demonstrative and somewhat shovey version of brotherly love.
Cousin Aidan and Caleb in the sandbox on the back porch on a fluke 70 degree day in mid-April. These boys shovel real well. And the look on Caleb's face slays me, as Holden Caufield used to put it.
Aidan's new puppy Krypto, who's named for Superman's puppy (PRIDE), gives Caleb a run for his money.

cute kids :)
Tacoma flowers
I knew there was a reason I was afraid to get markers for Noah.
Plus once when I was about 5, I magic markered all over my 3 year old cousin Eddie's face. Including inside his ears.
Not about markers. Just some fun stuff I found for people who live in cubicles (or offices) who want to have fun but still don't want their staplers taken away.
"If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?"
Bah dum bum
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