
Memorandum to Messrs. Bush, Rumsfeld, et al.

fas‧cism /[fash-iz-uhm] – noun
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a fascist movement, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Radical Islam does not have complete power, though they seek it, and no dictator. The current administration in the White House, however, behaves as if they have complete power (and they sort of do) and a dictator (even if he's only a figurehead).

While it's probably true that Radical Islam seeks to forcibly suppress opposition and criticism, so do you. And you're having much better luck regimenting industry and commerce, while emphasizing an aggressive nationalism.

Terror, as a means, is not a method of Fascism. Maintaining control by rigging the system thhrough governmental and economic cronyism while eliminating the possibility of dissent through manipulation of the media and fear-mongering are the methods of Fascism.

Fascism? You're soaking in it.

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