
Every Picture Tells A Story, Don't It?

A Search N' Find Picture Puzzle!

In the photograph above, can you identify the following occurences?

1. Jackson Browne is taking a digital photo of Mick Jagger and that guy that lives down the block from you who always seems to be walking his chocolate lab1.
2. Jackson Browne, in leather jacket, tries to get Mick Jagger to pose like Mick Jagger.
2. Mick Jagger decides instead to pose like a Muppet.
3. Bill Clinton rests his hand atop Katie Couric's head, as if she were a Victorian drawing room's mantelpiece.
4. Katie Couric attempts to have meaningful eye contact with Mick Jagger, while brushing off creepy Clinton.
5. Katie Couric really digs that scarf she got at the Nagano winter olympics.
6. Bill Clinton shares a knowing look of anticipated satisfaction with the photographer, suggesting the slightest push downwards upon Couric's head.
7. The World Is Flat author Thomas Friedman, in his Nike Harvard track jacket, is muscling in on that Clinton action.
8. Were former child star Gary Coleman not dead, once might suspect he were tucked into the lower left corner of the photograph, but surely Coleman is dead and Emmanuel Lewis is not so cheeky, so, I don't know, Jaleel White? Stanley Crouch?

1. It is possible that this is not the guy that lives down the street from you with the chocolate lab and the late 90's Volvo. It is possible that this is some ruddy Afrikaaner or perhaps a Prime Minister of some or other peninsular nation. But I'm pretty sure that's Jackson Browne, and that's totally Thomas Friedman.

Picture courtesy the interwebs expertise of B. Godsave.

1 comment:

Joslyn said...

LOL - Best World Cup photo and commentary evah! I think the guy in the picture with Mick Jagger is Terry McAuliffe (sp?), longtime Dem fundraiser and Clinton advisor.