
And Frolicked In The Autumn Mist In A Land Called Honilee

This is a special post for Cousin Alex from Sam and Caleb.

Dear Cousin Alex:

Sam is going to be a dragon for Halloween this year. Grandma Cathy said that you would want to see some pictures of his costume.

Sam Dragon 1

Sam Dragon 2

The costume has a dragon's head on top, a tail behind, and wings that flutter off the arms. Auntie Kirsten found it in a church basement, and paid three dollars for it. Three dollars is a lot of money. You should ask your daddy if he will give you three dollars.

Uncle Brian thinks that the costume looks a bit like a red rooster, but he doesn't know very much and few people listen to him.

Caleb will be Thomas the Tank Engine for Halloween. He has a conductor's cap and a bucket shaped like Thomas. We'll send pictures of Caleb in the costume just as soon as we can coax him into it.

We hope you and your brother Andrew are happy and well. (Did you get that three dollars yet?)


Cousins Sam and Caleb, Auntie Kirsten, and Uncle Brian

1 comment:

Jean said...

Happy Birthday Brian - You will be thrilled to know that Alexander is now fixated on his Spider Man mask. I need the $3 because I had to get the Spider Man costume at Target (and the $10 version did not come with a mask so we had to spring for the $20 version complete with mask and padded muscles). I will take a picture of Alex in the costume tonight.