For some time leading up to the wedding, we explained that nooks are for babies, not big boys, and that the boys would need to give their nooks to baby Andrew at the end of that weekend. Caleb seemed not to care either way, but Sam -- our resident nook-addict -- seemed surpisingly behind the idea. "Nook for Bebe," he agreed.
So at the end of a pancake breakfast late Sunday morning, we offered up the nooks and the twins gave their benedictions, and we all piled in the car for the trip back to Milwaukee.
After about an hour, it finally hit Sam what he'd done, and he complained vociferously. His rant was mostly in toddler-speak, but it was clear he was cussing out his parents, his brother, his baby cousin, and the plastics and silicone industries. And I'm pretty certain I made out the word "bamboozled."
Now that we've arrived at day four, we've moved out of nookie detox and into long-term residential care. I was all set to take the kids to Nookie Anonymous, but it turned out not to be what I thought it was.
------For your Independence Day edification, I recommend Barrack Obama's speech on patriotrism, delivered in Independence, MO, on June 30.
Anyone interested in the Superman-inspired shirt above is encouraged to visit the Graphitti Designs website, although it does not seem to be officially sanctioned Obama-wear, so you might do better to see what's available the official store. (Oh, and the Townblog staff wears size XXL).
I also recommend One Bright Shining Moment, a documentary about George McGovern's 1972 nomination as both a profile in courage and a cautionary tale. Certainly I hope the McGovern campaign is under study by the Obama campaign for both corrallaries to the current era and some hard-learned lessons about what to avoid (like under-vetted veep candidates and a 2:30am convention speech).
Happy 4th, you sparkler you.
Great "nook" story. I particularly like how you shamed your boys into submission: "For some time leading up to the wedding, we explained that nooks are for babies, not big boys." Did you also call them wusses when they complained?!?
Also, I like the idea of passing them on to their younger cousin. We just had a ceremony with the toilet, but your approach is much more environmentally friendly. That is as long as the cousin plans on using the used nooks.
Happy 4th! :D -teddy ted ted
Ted, your comment caused me to recall the time I ordered a small soda at the Harvard Square Cinema, and was told "That's our baby size, would you like to upgrade to a medium for only $.75?"
But to answer your question: Yes. The impression that I want to give around the house is that I am R. Lee Emery in Full Metal Jacket, and they are Privates Pyle and Joker.
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