
Lightbulb Jokes (Sam and Caleb Comics #6)

This was the month of September from the "Sam and Caleb Bad Joke Calendar" for 2007, previously seen only by family members.

The boys were probably around 11 months old when the photos were taken. They were still eating out of those little jars, and still drinking formula. In some ways it seems like years ago, but in most ways it seems like about six and half minutes ago. Watching two boys go from age point-five to age one-point-nine is one way to see time fly. (Another involves throwing a clock out a window...)

How I love the lightbulb joke: a tight little formula and limitless variations. Do you know how many neo-conservatives it takes to screw in a lightbulb?


Anonymous said...

None. There is no light bulb. Neo-cons are always in the dark.

Anonymous said...

How many Dada-ists does it take to change a light buld?

A: Smack yourself around the neck and face with a trout. With dog.
Bob skinny red.

cm said...

How many academic librarians does it take to change a light bulb? Just five. One changes the light bulb while the other four form a committee and write a letter of protest to the Dean, because after all, changing light bulbs IS NOT professional work!

How many catalogers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one, but they have to wait to see how LC does it first.

How many reference librarians does it take to change a light-bulb? (with a perky smile) "Well, I don't know right off-hand, but I know where we can look it up!"

How many library managers does it take to change a lightbulb? At least one committee and a light bulb strategy focus meeting and plan.

How many library technicians does it take to change a lightbulb? Seven. One to follow approved procedure, and six to review the procedure. (8 if you count the librarian they all report to)

cm said...

Now you got me started . . .
