
Lexicon: A work in progress

Sam: Dada. Mama. Papa (Papa Hinshaw). Uh-oh! Bye. Bye-bye. Nana? (May I have a banana?) Day-doo (Thank you). Dey-doh. (There you go.) Wha dat? (What is that?) Dee-dee (Kitty). Whoa! Yay!

Caleb: Dada. Mum. Eeeee! (Kitty, light fixture, or tree, depending on context.) Mmmmm... (I find this delicious or I would like to distract you for a moment). Aggggh! (Amalagamation of the roar sound made by lions and the meow of one's kitty.) Uh! Uh! Uh! (I would like to hold that particular object, and perhaps eat it.) Unga. (Prepare for an open mouth kiss.) Baugh. (Ball.)

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